The study aims to elaborate the management and allocation of village fund from the central\nand local governments and to formulate management model and documents of strategic plans\nin the implementation of the fund in the second year as a follow-up development.\nThe research involved village heads and officers in Regional Government of Bone Bolango\nregency, local public figures, and residents receiving financial support from the village fund.\nThe descriptive qualitative study employed Milles and Huberman analysis method and\nconducted focus group discussions to obtain the data.\nThe result shows that the implementation of the management model is successful to empower\nthe community, as overviewed from achievements by the Regional Government of Bone\nBolango regency. The governmentâ??s achievement inspires the central government to allocate\nmore fund to the village in the next year. The village fund of IDR 122,344,494,000 is\ndistributed as follows: 30% of the fund is allocated for the operational budget of the village\ngovernment and the Village Consultative Body (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa, BPD);\nmoreover, 70% of the fund is distributed for empowerment of the community and\nenhancement of the village governmentâ??s capacity. Henceforth, it is proven that the village\nfund is optimally conducted as economic leverage for the village to progress and as a helping\nhand to boost the communityâ??s welfare in Bone Bolango regency.